If you haven’t already done so, please try the following.
1. Logging in from a different device or browser might help.
For example, if you're using Safari, try using Google Chrome or Firefox.
2. Clearing your cache and cookies.
Restart or refresh your browser afterwards as it can also help.
3. Try resetting your password
Check steps on how to reset your password and making it secure.
4. Disable your 2 factor authentication
If you're having issues logging in because of 2FA, get in touch with us.
5. Security locked
If we suspect something suspicious, we'll sometimes lock your account. Please get in touch, we do this to make sure your details are safe.
How do I clear my cache?
If you head to the ‘Settings’ section of your browser, you should find this in the menu. Once you’ve cleared your cache and cookies, restart your browsers.
Still having trouble?
Please get in touch with us by selecting our chat messenger below, on the right. If possible, send us a screenshot of the error message you're seeing.